
HEALTH & Safety Policy

Our Commitment…

FMC Engineering UK Limited is committed to protecting the health and safety of everybody who plays a part in or is impacted (directly or indirectly) by our business. Our aim shall always be to eliminate the potential for injuries, occupational illness, and unsafe practices from our activities.

Our Plan…

To meet our commitment FMC Engineering UK Limited will:

  • - Demonstrate visible and active leadership that engages employees and contractors and manages health and safety (H&S) performance with clear authorities and accountabilities.
  • - Ensure that all employees and sub contractors understand that working safely is a condition of employment, and that they are responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them.
  • - Manage all work in a way that protects health, is safe and minimizes impact on the work environment.
  • - Provide employees knowledge, training and resources necessary to instill personal ownership for safety.
  • - Provide relevant health and safety information to contractors and require them to be properly trained for the safe and sound performance of their work.
  • - Measure, audit and report H&S performance and maintain open dialog with employees, subcontractors and our clients regarding improvement.

Our Expectation…

Through implementation of this policy, FMC Engineering UK Limited seeks to earn the trust of its employees and Clients and be recognised as a leader in H&S performance.

‘Nothing is so urgent or important, that we cannot take time to do it safely’

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Industrial Moving

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Building Services
